I listened to this book and these are my notes. They are shorter and doesn't have much context. It's mostly for personal use and review. These are points I felt I'm related to most.

  • as if my head is floating in a different world than my body 🦒

  • template for organization is missing in ADD mind

  • there's also passive hyperattention. you can attend to video games or other stuff like films. this can activate hyper-focus mode. you can watch films in hyper-focus but it's very difficult to listen to people in normal life.

  • when he's interested in he can able to focus in something. this is misleading for ADD.

  • they have no moments of relaxation without any guilt associated with it. it feels there is always something to do.

  • Two mental systems play a role in ADD. One is the logical mind that knows what to do, the other is the time perception of a child. the second one dominates most of the time.

  • time blindness

  • Only two units of time exist for the small child: now and not now

  • As Piaget describes it, children have begin to have a sense of time as a flow until the age or seven

  • ADD people forget the future. they don't have any time perceptional future

  • We are born without anything related to self-regulation on emotions, time and actions. Babies don't have any self-regulation capabilities.

  • Prefrontal cortex is just behind the forehead.

  • Genetic explanations to psychological disorders is soothing because it removes the responsibility of society and environment.

  • The most we can say is some diseases are strongly genetic. Very few of diseases are determined completely by genetics.

  • Identical twins have 100% concordance that their genes are almost identical. When one of the them has ADD, the other also develops 60-80% of the time. It's not 100%. This shows it's not always hereditary.

  • ADD has biological roots. There is a blueprint but it doesn't mean it's genetically hereditary

  • There's no causal relationship between the environment and ADD. Genetics creates a predisposition for ADD

  • Love of the parents is not always felt by the child

Gabor Mate is a psychiatrist but still has diagnosed himself with ADD until very late in his life

  • modern psychiatry tells that depression is caused by low levels of serotonin.

  • when Prozac is prescribed it doesn't only make the pain go away but all life experience becomes less colorful

  • emotional allergies

  • ADD is caused by impact of environment to extremely sensitive children

  • allergies are more common in kids with ADD than others

  • kids with ADD are told they are too sensitive usually

  • if children were the owners of language, we'd have phrases like difficult parent and the terrible thirties

  • unlike chimpanzees, human brain continues to grow at the rate as in the womb after the birth

  • more than 3/4 of the brain is developed after the birth

  • mental development in the infant is described as neural competition for neurons: nerve pathways are created competitively and the ones that are not used are pruned away

  • if you surround a child with silence for 10 years he will never be able to learn the speech

  • if you don't give the brain light for 5 years the infant will be reversible blind

  • matrix is derived from the Latin for womb and in turn derived from mother

  • normal brain development requires emotional stability more than breastfeeding

  • ADD may mean that a significant person in our life may simultaneously experiencing the same stressful situation

  • mother reflects in babies mind that the baby won't be able to make a good connections through her their life

  • in the attunement it is the baby that leads and the mom that follows

  • behind the right eye there's orbital frontal cortex that handles coordination

  • ADD may also stand for attunement deficit disorder

  • all my Jewish babies are crying

  • seeds of depression

  • Parents of ADD children are somehow alienated from the extended family and have fever connections.

  • Violence is like box inside the box

  • blame is a not a meaningful concept.

  • the history of violence spans generations and generations. who will you blame?

  • The higher proportional ADD in North American people maybe due to their gene pool. They didn't like to sit, they take risks and board a ship across the Atlantic and found a new life.

  • In the North American life the calm attuned parenting became enormously difficult. That's the reason why ADD is more prevalent in North America.

  • Parents need to be together in the same room for kids to be feel their presence. That kind of being present in their life is almost inexisting in North American parents.

  • There's no public support for parents in North America, in the United States or Canada.

  • Unequal sharing of the emotional work between sexes is one of the reasons why women have more depression.

  • The show Sesame Street developed get attention from them short clips not taking longer than 2 minutes to remedy kids' short attention span.

  • without arousal human brain is not interested in anything. with too much arousal human brain is tense and anxious. we need the right level of arousal

  • children with ADD are either under-aroused or over-aroused

  • tuning out is a reaction to fear or anxiety

  • amygdala hijack can happen also with over-arousal. arousal breeds fear, it breeds more arousal, it breeds more fear. it's a vicious cycle.

  • difficulty in regulating internal emotional environment

  • attention is not a faculty or intellect. it's deep rooted in emotions

  • without attachment-attunement relationship between the baby and the mother, child cannot have enough attunement to regulate their emotions

  • ADD children are interested in their peers more than the material presented in a kindergarten. they're trying to meet their relationship needs

  • emotional longing for attention

  • attentive interest from an adult to ADD children is almost as good as medical interventions

  • The first thing that you must do is creating a warm attentive space for child. this will show that you care without any conditionals

  • environmental enrichment is possible in later stages of life to remedy the difficulties of ADD child

  • deep feelings of shame is associated with ADD

  • shame in children is not directly related with shortcomings or other kinds of failure. the underlying cause is related to mother-child relationship in early stages.

  • I'm sorry is the most common phrase in ADD vocabulary

  • over the top excitement and nonverbal vegetative state. ADD people swing between these two.

  • it's not curing ADD children need, it's growth.

  • sensitivity of child may help parents or may be a detriment in their relationship with the kids

  • invite the child to interrelationship enthusiastically and genuinely

  • Shame is a response you got from being cut off from your environment and from your social interactions

  • if the relationship with your child is on a shaky ground then do not even attempt to improve some of their shortcomings

  • Love your child unconditionally

  • even positive judgment about your child still a judgment so it's conditional

  • parents can demonstrate that kids' well being is more important than any school obligation

  • put your emotional bonds with your child about everything else

  • without attachment-attunement relationship between the baby and the mother, child cannot have enough attunement to regulate their emotions

  • emotional longing for attention

  • attentive interest from an adult to ADD children is almost as good as medical interventions

  • in childhood moving too much between homes is a contributing factor to ADD

  • laziness or procrastination are not immutable traits of a person. they are the expressions of their relationship with the world and other people.

  • many children will go for negative attention rather than no attention at all

  • guilt, shame and self-judgment come in interview with ADD.

  • low self-esteem and merciless self criticism

  • difficult to know where ADD ends and low self-esteem begins

  • inability to say no

  • superficially positive self image is incompatible with high self-esteem

  • respecting your son's autonomy

  • clear some ground for him to develop his self-discipline

  • During early teens many of these concerns are seen as irrelevant or absurd

  • I don't want to put myself into drugs to make myself more manageable or controllable

  • sensitive people are shamans prophets and doing vital work for the survival of the species

In the book there is an overreliance to evolutionary psychology that almost all psychological traits are explained in a way that if this wouldn't be useful it wouldn't be developed in the first place. I think this is too far fetched. A trait may be side effect of another useful trait.

  • If suppression was basic means to handle feelings and emotions, expressing them wouldn't be developed by nature.

  • Self is a rapid successional pictures seemingly continuous

  • oppositionality is a common trait for all ADD kids.

  • by definition opposing to something means that they are forced to something and they're resisting to that. there are always two parties in an opposition.

  • child's oppositionality doesn't stem from his/her will. rather it's the lack of will to decide and substituting this lack of will by automatic responses to parent's behavior.

  • self-esteem based on achievement is contingent

  • acquired self-esteem

  • self-esteem has nothing to do with self evaluation or success

  • a person who is comfortable in his skin never says I am worthy because of such and such

  • I am a human being whether or not such and such

  • deep shame in older ADD adults predates anything that could be a social success or failure

  • ADD personality has two oscillating fears. One fear is the fear of loneliness and the other is to fear from overcommitment.

  • what we call child's action is actually the reaction

  • as their reaction subside and they have more responsibility, that will also enhance their emotional regulation

  • either you didn't live anything or you live many things to remember and they are tuned out

  • what matters most is not a techniques to use to motivate the child. it is the emotional transaction between a child and parents

  • opposition is a self-defense mechanism and it's a defense against a powerful force. in child's case this powerful force is parents.

[Okunandan Kalan] #Attention Deficit Disorder #ADHD #DEHB #Gabor Mate