Bits from Alan Watts' talk

  • Maya can mean drama, illusion, etc.

  • Raman: Ultimate principle is hide and seek

  • Kalpa is 4 million 320 thousand year periods that repeat. In essence these are unfathomably long periods of Raman's sleep and wake up cycles.

Scott Adams idea that a God's debris looking for himself is related to this concept.

  • Kali Yuga, the last term in this Kalpa started in 3,400 BC then and it takes 5,000 years for the world to be destroyed.

It looks we already passed world's destruction. I may have misunderstood.

  • Westerners never trust the nature

Can you trust your mistrust of yourself?

  • When wars are waged for appropriating someone's belongings and women it's usually less severe than wars that are waged for moral principles.

  • If you raise your in the name of God it turns you into a monster destroyer of the world

  • There can be a mutual arrangement between rascals and rascals but if one side sees himself as the voice of that, it's very difficult to find an arrangement.

  • There's a word li in Chinese that means justice but has no written form.

  • If you define all words, by which words will you define words that you define words?

  • Ultimate meaning of justice cannot put into words

[Miment] #Alan Watts #Kali Yuga #Scott Adams #maya #Raman #war #meaning #justice