Small Gods
Pratchett'in Küçük Tanrılar kitabı, kendisinden bitirdiğim ilk kitap. Daha önce bu Discworld serisinden bir kitabı elime aldığımı hatırlıyorum ama başka bir kitabın devamı olduğundan herhalde, pek yürümemişti.
Kitap yer yer Ortaçağ, yer yer Antik göndermelerin bir büyümek isteyen küçük tanrılar fikriyle karışmasından mürekkep. Kilise, peygamberlik, gerçek ve sair konularda güzel bir konusu var. Kurgu çok çarpıcı değil, zorlama kısımları var ancak bir fantastik kurgudan bu konuda fazla beklentiye girmemiştim zaten.
Time is a drug. Too much of it kills you. (p. 3)
The trouble with being a god is that you’ve got no one to pray to. (p. 10)
They were merely at the top. The people who really run organizations are usually found several levels down, where it’s still possible to get things done. (p. 21)
how to conspire without actually uttering words to an untrusted possible fellow conspirator which, if reported, would point the accusing red-hot poker of guilt. (p. 38)
That on the whole, and by and large, if a man lived properly, not according to what any priests said, but according to what seemed decent and honest inside, then it would, at the end, more or less, turn out all right. (p. 87)
Half the time you don’t know what you’re thinking, so why should I?” (p. 91)
So, reasoned Koomi, it was not a good idea to address any prayers to a Supreme Being. It would only attract his attention and might cause trouble. (p. 102)
There’s one of ’em that sits around playing a flute most of the time and chasing milkmaids. I don’t call that very divine. Call that very divine? I don’t.” (p. 120)
mean, it’s not as though any one else is likely to try to become a God of Lettuce. (p. 121)
“Does what?” “Make a sound. If it falls down when no one’s there to hear it.” “Who cares?” (p. 124)
“We’re philosophers. We think, therefore we am.” (p. 133)
As if the turning of sunlight into wine, by means of vines and grapes and time and enzymes, wasn’t a thousand times more impressive and happened all the time… (p. 141)
Then he found himself wishing his God was a more intelligent God so it could answer. (p. 155)
“Well, they can if they want,” said Urn. “But no one comes in here much. These aren’t books for reading. They’re more for writing.” (p. 162)
Not being certain is what being a philosopher is all about.” (p. 163)
They were sure all right. They were sure it wasn’t them in the pit. You could see it in their faces. So glad it wasn’t them that they were throwing just as hard as they could.” (p. 165)
“When the Great God is with us,” he said, “who can stand against us? You impress me, Brutha.” (p. 173)
whenever you see a bunch of buggers puttering around talking about truth and beauty and the best way of attacking Ethics, you can bet your sandals it’s because dozens of other poor buggers are doing all the real work around the place while those fellows are living like—” “—gods?” (p. 226)
The Omnian Church encouraged them, on the basis that it was best to get madmen as far away as possible where they couldn’t cause any trouble and could be cared for by the community, insofar as the community consisted of lions and buzzards and dirt. (p. 257)
You can’t find a hermit to teach you herming (p. 258)
“Wisdom comes out of the wilderness, they say.” “Only the wisdom that people want. And mushrooms.” (p. 262)
Killing the creator was a traditional method of patent-protection. (p. 292)
“It’s too soon!” Om yelled. “You need followers! It can’t be just you! You can’t do it by yourself! You have to get disciples first!” (p. 296)
XIX. Hah! You Want A Constitutional Religion? (p. 310)
You can die for your country or your people or your family, but for a god you should live fully and busily, every day of a long life.” (p. 311)
the way I see it, logic is only a way of being ignorant by numbers.” (p. 324)
“I like the idea of democracy. You have to have someone everyone distrusts,” said Brutha. “That way, everyone’s happy. Think about it. Simony?” (p. 333)
[Okunandan Kalan]